In "Your PIN Number Revealed!"

I always put my Personal Identification PIN Number into the Automated Telling ATM Machine.

In "Octopus: Genius of the deep"

Viva Me!

In "Curious, George: Recipe Hacks"

The Giant Squid hits up his Cook's Illustrated cookbook. Basically, those people teach retards like me how to cook 3 and 4 star dishes, using stuff you can buy just about anywhere. They taught me the secret of brining, then pan-searing, then oven-roasting chicken. Hot damn did I wrap my tentacles around that.

In "MC Devvo, and Shady Piez"

And before anybody gets upset. Yes, it is a double ... Consider this an update.

In "The Guide to Effectively Communicating While Intoxicated"

IIRC, Modern Drunkard is based in Colorado, USA. Not Australia.

In "Curious George"

You could also consider Kinky from Mexico City. Terrific electropop!

In "Goatonapole"

Goats on a pole? What next - Snakes on a Plane?

In "The fifty best places to drink beer in America"

That should read "The fifty best brewpubs in America"... As long as no place in New Orleans is listed, this list is a sham.

In ""Fashioncore""

I'm just puzzled over the source. LSU's got to be one of the most conservative universities in the US, (Dick Cheney's giving the commencement speech this year, Bush gave it last year). The arts/punk/music community is minuscule there (they all live within 4 blocks of my house). How in the hell is this happening in Baton Rouge? Or, is this just some: "two guy I know did this, and therefore it's a trend" article?

In "Music Search Thingy"

Better'n innanet radio?

Also, I typed Jay-Z and Nirvana to no avail. And I don't like one of those two artists.


Okay, I've typed in 17 band names and gotten no results. Who do I blame?

In "Curious George: New Year's Eve"

I'm havin' a nice-sized ourdoor party, with one of my homeboys deejaying and doing real-time mashups of your favorite hits of the eighties, nineties, and today. He does this one mix of KMFDM's "Megalomaniac" and Kelis' "Milkshake" that moves butt like Charmin. So, if you're in the vicinity of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA in the time, swing on by, we'd love to have ya.

In ""

From the FAQ: They might pull into their shells when afraid, get paint into their eyes, nose or mouth, or prolapse in the paint. Now that's just gross.

In "Curious George: Don't you hate it when"

1. Misspelling of "existent" as "existant" 2. Misuse of lose as "loose" 3. Use of the phrase "could care less" 4. People getting tongue rings on account of "oral fixation"

In "5-year old Tyler Petrucci Sings :"

Well, it feels less contrived than the hasidic reggae from yesterday... for what that's worth.

In "Bush amazes the US by borrowing more from foreign nations than all other US Presidents combined"

On the real, the Blue Dog link is kind of weak, and I'm sure it can be picked apart appropriately. But, it looks like Grover Norquist is gettin' his dream. Does somebody recall the link posted earlier about yankin' student loans & federal housing subsidies to cover Katrina rebuilding?

In "King without his crown. (mov)"

So he wasn't even raised Hasidic? He's like reggae's Madonna then. And even moreso trendy, hipster flash-in-the-pan garbage.

In "Vampirism 101:"

Beeee-warrre... this blog is haunted! OooOoOoo! (But's it not -really a blog-) Beee-waaaare... this internet community is haunted! OoooooOOoooOo.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)